Operation Dinner Out

Here Stardust ensures that the roster of DTR will never go drunk with Internet Power

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Operation Dinner Out

Postby Stardust » Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:51 pm

We have a breach. RedScrumper dossier left on top of toilet seat in bathroom stall. Signed with "<3, Darcy". Darcy suspected to be moderator gimmick. How did she get access to my office? TubeHunter?

Searched through files. Sparse information. Asked informant about contents. "Sounds like a typical Red Mage. I'm rooting for him. Maybe someday he will achieve his dream of an FNM Top 3." Just another red mage fighting back against the power? Double agent working against the Fires of Salvation? Will have to track movements in coming days. Some indication that RedScrumper is a habitual troll. ( G_R ) gimmick possible.

Left message for Darcy inviting her for dinner. Will wear wire tap. Must uncover leak.

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Postby TubeHunter » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:55 am

I have no idea how the user know as "Darcy" managed to break past our security to deliver this message, but anyone who doesn't have the courage to show their face should be treated with extreme caution. I'll tell you to be wary Stardust, but I trust you, so I'll let you take this one.

As to Redscrumper, I see what I can dig up. While I agree with you that his FNM quest is uplifting, he seemed very fake to me. Almost too fake....
As a member of FoS myself, I'll see what I can dig into for him.

It seems that the web is getting larger, so I will ask you to be safe. We need not fall to minor players in this major game.


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