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Illusions, Fear, and the Concept of Vengeance: A Mini Report

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:43 pm
by TubeHunter
I feel refreshed, reborn into a new light to call out those who corrupt it. They said that this job would destroy me, but it has only served to make me stronger…

They seem to demand a third party. The nerve! As if they didn’t know what happened last time
Stardust seeks my help. He called it “razing the coals for a new generation!” I must think long and hard about my ethics and morals. I have been with the FoS for a long time, but will they really be so different from the corrupt current leadership? The fact remains, many of the top brass converse freely with the heart of this problem, and we need to proceed with caution for the foreseeable future.

Mention came to a individual know as “Thready Pooper”. Information on who this is, or why the corrupt hate him so is hard to come by at this time, but stardust seems to think highly of him, so I must keep

There is one problem that seems to remain unavoidable to me... Suga. This man has been a thorn in my side since the beginning, constantly trying to bring down the Watchdogs with his corrupting tendrils. I warned him once to not cross me, more as reassurance for myself then anything. But now, I feel stronger, greater, and purer. I will not take this anymore. To Suga, this is your last warning. Do not cross me again.

No one need watch the watchdogs, for we watch all who would watch against us.