[Q&A] Are 4x 1 Drops Optimal?

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[Q&A] Are 4x 1 Drops Optimal?

Postby Den18 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:10 pm

Jeremy Stowe just finished 2nd with another devotion list playing just the 4 Rakdos Cackler as his one drops. The first showing with only four one drops can be put down to a non-optimal build in a undefined format but here is another.

Is going with just the cacklers in the one drop spot optimal now?

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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:52 pm

I played against a guy yesterday doing the same thing.

It's a tough call. Since devotion lists have a much more explosive finish, and since were not relying on a mass swarm of creatures to aid our Hellrider like during last season, I think it's enough that there are some 1-drops to apply early pressure. Personally, I'm a fan of both Cackler and Satyr and I'm going to want them both.

The cool thing about Red right now is that there isn't a set standard or exact list. We have a multitude of Red strategies, styles, and archetypes - Sligh, Devotion, Pyro, Big Red, etc...

The way I see it, play what you're comfortable with, as long as it fits your style/deck type.
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Postby Jack » Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:11 pm

To extend the discussion even further: what about post-board? I know that we'd occasionally only take out Rakdos Cackler against aggro (since it's a pretty bad card against them~can't block) and leave in Noble if we were on the play against certain variants-notably Naya Humans, and later, Naya Blitz. Now, both of our one drops suck against aggro and you'll seldom want to leave just four in, but the discussion can still exist. What about against G/R midrange when you're on the play? What about in the aggro mirror when you know you're faster? An example of this I ran into at states occurred when I was playing Pyro Red and he was playing Devotion Red with BTE (of course, he got at least 2 in his opener both games). He kept his 1-drops in for game 2 when he was on the draw, since he was still the beatdown. Granted, I kept a 1 lander and was only able to cast 1 spell, Shock, throughout the whole game, but they
definitely help against a stumbling opponent. I just shifted the discussion to "when do you cut you 1 drops and when do you keep them," but I think this is also important to discuss.
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Postby DroppinSuga » Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:17 pm

I think this is a fair question to be asking right now. I don't think we'll get a definitive answer until the meta settles though. Like Khaos said, for now, play what you're comfortable with.

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Postby zemanjaski » Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:59 pm

I always want a 1 drop in game one as you need to be able to take out a stumbling opponent. Playing a 2-power 1 drop is the strongest thing you can be doing.

Post board against any other aggro deck or green creature deck I just cut them all. I don't want to be in a position where a single creature on their side is blanking two or three of mine.
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Postby redthirst » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:33 pm

I always want a 1 drop in game one as you need to be able to take out a stumbling opponent. Playing a 2-power 1 drop is the strongest thing you can be doing.

Post board against any other aggro deck or green creature deck I just cut them all. I don't want to be in a position where a single creature on their side is blanking two or three of mine.
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Postby Jack » Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:11 pm

Yeah, ditto. Probably because I learned from you ;)
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Postby F.I.A » Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:45 am

Sometimes, I usually board out those 1-drops against GW midrange. Most often than not, they will have a Sylvan Caryatid to block with by turn 2, so Rakdos Cackler is a bad card to go with.

Though keep in mind that the Cackler is more effective than Satyr when going against Black, as it dodges spot removals like Doom Blade all day.

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