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Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:20 am
by Lightning_Dolt
Nobody is on the Phyrexian Revoker plan like blacklanner? I thought his 75 was very well thought out, but haven't had a chance to test it.
I appreciate the praise. I am probably more on the aggressive side compared to some of the other players on this forum. I did remain on a modified Eidolon version until M15 and Stoke forced me to change to Pyromancer. Revoker, for me, is simplay a "you have to deal with this before you can enact your game plan" card. It fits my play style a bit more than the grindier cards that tat the other people play.
definitely going to try it, if for no other reason, just to mess with Jace. Although god knows when I'll make it to a tournament. My job is really ruining my magic time.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:39 am
by Rhyno
Against MonoU you don't have to save Hushwing Gryff as a trick, just run it out and start beating down with it. They are so removal light already.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:10 am
by zemanjaski
Nobody is on the Phyrexian Revoker plan like blacklanner? I thought his 75 was very well thought out, but haven't had a chance to test it.
I appreciate the praise. I am probably more on the aggressive side compared to some of the other players on this forum. I did remain on a modified Eidolon version until M15 and Stoke forced me to change to Pyromancer. Revoker, for me, is simplay a "you have to deal with this
before you can enact your game plan" card. It fits my play style a bit more than the grindier cards that tat the other people play.
I'm definitely going to try it, if for no other reason, just to mess with Jace. Although god knows when I'll make it to a tournament. My job is really ruining my magic time.

Please be joking.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:41 am
by RedNihilist
Nobody is on the Phyrexian Revoker plan like blacklanner? I thought his 75 was very well thought out, but haven't had a chance to test it.
I appreciate the praise. I am probably more on the aggressive side compared to some of the other players on this forum. I did remain on a modified Eidolon version until M15 and Stoke forced me to change to Pyromancer. Revoker, for me, is simplay a "you have to deal with this
before you can enact your game plan" card. It fits my play style a bit more than the grindier cards that tat the other people play.
I'm definitely going to try it, if for no other reason, just to mess with Jace. Although god knows when I'll make it to a tournament. My job is really ruining my magic time.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:06 am
by dauntless268
@ MDU: How good is Hushwing really? It seems like an underpowered creature with a conditional ability. Would you really sit back on 3 Mana waiting for opp to play Gary, MoW or Disciple? I'm just theorycrafting as you know...
I'm the same boat as you, its just pure theorycrafting until I can grab some product - I think its good because its another flier with pesto haste (flying is still very powerful in many MU) with a great conditional ability, I would just slam it out vs clear skies in the blue and green MUs because they can't really deal with it - while vs Bx Devo, I'll go with the waiting game.
Thanks, I agree with what you say. But in this case you're essentially getting an inferior version of
your fave card Skynight Legionnaire, is that really worth it? With your SB Vs U Devo, I'd simply go -4 Charm -4 Crack +Muta +2 Chandra +2 MM +2 BL +1 Pillar and be happy?

@ Elricity.
I really had to cringe at your comparison :gonk: but, hey, a creative one for sure! Personally I think it's much closer to Skullcrack which, as you say, depends on your playstyle vs Black Devo.

What do you guys think about Altac Bloodseeker? It seems like a very decent card to me, just not sure if it's the burn shell that it belongs in (too much exile, could be better in some sort of RB Aggro Deck).

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:44 am
by magicdownunder
Thanks, I agree with what you say. But in this case you're essentially getting an inferior version of your fave card Skynight Legionnaire, is that really worth it? With your SB Vs U Devo, I'd simply go -4 Charm -4 Crack +Muta +2 Chandra +2 MM +2 BL +1 Pillar and be happy?
Selfie Legionaire is great rawr!! (now lets never speak of the card again, though Pyroskies was a fun deck).

I'm going too assume you havn't played with many flash creatures before, cause flash is in no way inferior too haste - the pesto Ambush Viper Mode is solid, and being able to have more options during your opp. turn is huge (etc holding up Pillar/Other removals/Burn and Hush
in hand) I'm really hyped but again its all theorycrafting from my end so it could be trash :shrug: .

EDIT: I changed the example too avoid possible confusions

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:07 am
by HK1997
@MDU I approve of your theories, I'm excited to play both pillar and hushwing in exactly that manner!

Also: fun modern videos mate! As in standard, the secret to your success seems to be in shouting "LAND! LAND! LAND! CMON LAND!!!!! got there...." :rofl:

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26 pm
by Kaitscralt
Nobody is on the Phyrexian Revoker plan like blacklanner? I thought his 75 was very well thought out, but haven't had a chance to test it.
I appreciate the praise. I am probably more on the aggressive side compared to some of the other players on this forum. I did remain on a modified Eidolon version until M15 and Stoke forced me to change to Pyromancer. Revoker, for me, is simplay a "you have to deal with this before you
can enact your game plan" card. It fits my play style a bit more than the grindier cards that tat the other people play.
I'm definitely going to try it, if for no other reason, just to mess with Jace. Although god knows when I'll make it to a tournament. My job is really ruining my magic time.

There's a Todd Anderson in all of us, like the filling of a jelly donut

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:55 pm
by NotARobot
I really disagree with the pillar vs mono blue plan.. Do you really want to sideboard a card to inefficiently deal with fbw 90% of the time?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:05 pm
by magicdownunder
Agreed, Pillar seems odd vs Ux Devotion... though only dauntless268 and Khaospawn suggested it so far.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:23 pm
by dauntless268
I didn't actively suggest it vs U Devo but as a 1 of with 8 targets it seems ok. I would mainly want it vs. B Devo, BW and Monsters.

@ MDU: you got me there ;-) but vs U Devo I would still prefer solid removal over a threat that Matches up unfavorably vs. NVS. Let's stop theorycrafting now and test the beast :-)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:38 pm
by Purp
Tested against Mono B last night with this SB

[deck]3 Flamespeaker
3 Mortars
2 Chandra
2 Hushwing
1 Wear/Tear
2 Pillar
2 Banishing Light[/deck]

Hushwing was ok, it stops the life drain which was relevant. post board games went 5-4 in Mono B players favor (2 games were hands I kept just to test), but the gameplan seems solid. I find you are much weaker to pack rat (especially vs NVS decks), so later on this testing I was bringing in 1-2 mortars. I wouldn't mind putting Assemble back in the board, but I dislike that it only has one match up to come in.

Hushwing seems very promising against Mono G, not sure if I would play it vs Blue just yet.

I get that wear/tear seems good in an open environment. I am just not sure what I want to be hitting besides Dsphere/Blight in the current meta.

Might try something like this:

[deck]3 Flamespeaker
3 Mortars
2 Pillar
2 Chandra
2 Hushwing
2 Banishing Light

Vs Black: -4 Skull -4 Charm -1 Stoke -1 WLH -2 Shock +2 Chandra +2 Blight +2 Pillar +2 Hushwing +1 Assemble +3 Flamespeaker. On the draw, I think I'd want Mortars. It is unclear to me whether Hush is bad on the draw, so possibly -1 Hush -1 WLH +2 Mortars.
--The hardest part of this gameplan, is being able to hold back magma jet and scrying until you a)either need to find an answer/land or b) can't afford to draw another land.
--- Also, we can not beat a Turn 5 liliana with this gameplan.

Vs Blue: -4 Skullcrack -4 Charm -1 Stoke -1/2 WLH +3 Mortars +3 Flamespeaker +2 Blight +2 Hush +/- 1 Pillar (untested)

Vs Green: -4 Boros Charm -1 Stoke -1 WLH -3 Skullcrack +3 Mortars +2 Pillar +2 Blight +2 Hush (untested)
--- Need to test this match up with Flame speaker. -2 Lightning strike -1 WLH +3 Flamespeaker

I am also contemplating Stoke vs Mortars. If I put mortars back in the MD, it could free open a SB slot (or I could just go to 4)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:49 pm
by zemanjaski
Ok, all the videos are up.

1 Shouta List


3 Toil // Trouble
1 Assemble the Legion
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Banishing Light
1 Reprisal
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Wear // Tear[/deck]

I considered Boros Reckoner a bit of a crutch so I pulled it out. I would run it in a meta where I expect hexproof. T/T is because I still am weak at the UW matchup but this will be coming out once I have access to more powerful cards like Pillar and Hushwing in M15.

Match 1 vs MBC using Skullcrack. Board plan was -4 shock, -1 mortar, -4 charm, +3 speaker, +2 Chandra, 1 Reprisal, 1 Assemble, 2 Banish. Both game 1 and 2, I wasted too many
spells, he played too many threats, and I died.

Match 2 vs MBC without Skullcrack. Board plan is -4 charm and skullcrack, +2 mortar, +2 chandra, +2 banish, 1 reprisal, 1 assemble. He gained 8 life unopposed and still lost.

Match 3 vs MBC. Same plan. He boarded in Staff of Death Magus, gassed himself out with packrat, and got stampeded when I cleared his board.

Match 4 vs Gb Devotion. I boarded poorly for this because I didn't realize he was on Poly and forgot I'd seen a burning tree. Should have used the same sideboard as match 2 and 3. He gained 8 life with a disciple when I tapped out with skullcrack in hand. Didn't matter as he strangely didn't swing his creatures in and let me mortars his board and I
chewed through his life total for a couple turns.

I like the vids. You need to slow down and think, start to think at least a turn ahead; your sequencing wasn't very good against MBC: eg, getting in for two with Mutavault when you coukd resolve Pyro with mana up or going for main phase Helix to kill him instead of doing it in his upkeep to tap him out if he goes for activate Nytavaukt pkus Devour Fkesh himself etc; in general it felt like you were too focused on getting Max damage in per turn instead if getting value from cards; if you get value then damage will inevitably result anyway.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:05 pm
by NotARobot
Hmm. I feel like boarding out skullcrack but then bringing in hushwing is kind of odd. You're conceding that you don't care about their garys when you remove the cracks, but then you bring in a 2/1 that only affects gary, dies to all their spells, can't be recurred, and gets nabbed by lbz.

I think hushwing fits better in the more aggressive plan, the kind I favor, where you are killing them on time by turn 5 6 or 7. The lifegain is actually vital to stop with that plan, because if you run outta steam with them barely hanging in you tend to lose. So the extra ways to stop life gain are extremely important. And yeah it all has the same downside as before, but we're running it as the 6th skullcrack in this way, not as a random 2/1 flier, it's just about increasing our odds of saying no to their life gain.

Idk. I keep getting interrupted trying to write this out so im sorry if its a jumble of nonsense

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:10 pm
by Purp
I think you are absolutely correct. What I like about the Hushwing is that it stop them draining my life total, as I have found that I am usually stabilizing with less than 10 life before my cards take over. With my new SB, I could see it being:

-4 Skullcrack -4 Boros Charm -1/2 Shock -1 Stoke -1/2 WLH +2 Chandra +3 Flamespeaker +1 Assemble +2 Pillar +2 Banishing Light +2 Mortars

I have been un impressed by Stoke so far, granted I have only really grinded against Mono B

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:14 pm
by Elricity
Z, appreciate the advice. Some of these I tend to see after the fact but I'm definitely too much on "what am I doing this turn" and not crafting a general game plan.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:16 pm
by zemanjaski
Yeah it's ok not great (Stoke). I will run a mortars instead this weekend so I've got access to 4 copies in my 75.

I'm not really liking the extra cost of pillar of light over reprisal, despite the flexibility ~ haven't played many games though.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:26 pm
by Kaitscralt
by not many he means 0

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:28 pm
by zemanjaski
I mean eight :/

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:31 pm
by NotARobot
Yeah it's apparent to me that stoke will almost always be a 4 mana spell, we'll pretty much never be convoking it. I'm still sticking with it in the main over mortars though because I love that I can dome someone with it if I have nothing better to kill.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:32 pm
by Purp
One thing I like about pillar is that it has the ability to kill a Grey merchant that's been left on blocking duty, allowing your Flame speaker to swing through. I see nothing wrong with 1 Reprisal, 1 Pillar split. I have tested probably 40 games vs Black with it, killing a great merchant with it was only relevant about 6 times.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:34 pm
by zemanjaski
Yeah I figured as much (courser isn't that popular here because bit a lot of monsters decks); exiling a Gary at instant speed is sweet of course.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:55 pm
by Elricity

@ Elricity.
I really had to cringe at your comparison :gonk: but, hey, a creative one for sure! Personally I think it's much closer to Skullcrack which, as you say, depends on your playstyle vs Black Devo.
Hushwing is as different from skullcrack in that matchup as forge devil is different from electrickery (and no, I don't mean because of overload).

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:05 pm
by Kaitscralt
I'm not so sure. I think people just want to play Hushwing because it's new.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:06 pm
by Purp
I'm not so sure. I think people just want to play Hushwing because it's new.
I partially agree here. It's pretty nuts vs Genesis Hydra and Hornet Queen.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:12 pm
by Kaitscralt
I like it a lot, but saying it's good against MBC and Skullcrack isn't sounds like someone who really wants to play Hushwing Gryff

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:18 pm
by Pedros
I'm not so sure. I think people just want to play Hushwing because it's new.
I partially agree here. It's pretty nuts vs Genesis Hydra and Hornet Queen.
It doesnt work vs Genesis Hydra. vs Green it works only vs Reclamation Sage, Hornet Queen and Heal-Centaur. However do we even care with them gaining life as in this matchup I think going control is what we should do? (maybe depends if you see caryatid?)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:23 pm
by PirateKingAtomsk
Playing paper magic, theres a fellow at my lgs thats running junk enchantments while the black devo players are still slashing green so id rather run hushwing over assemble. Also lets me not worry about hit 5 on 23 lands.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:24 pm
by Purp
Just read that Genesis Hydra is when you cast, not when it enters. Seems worse now.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:27 pm
by Elricity
Against green devotion, it also stops BTE which is huge. I wouldn't play it just to blank Disciple unless you're on a very aggressive plan.

Likewise, if I'm not playing skullcrack against MBC, I'm not playing Hushwing either.

I really, really, really want it against green devotion after testing but I'm not sure how popular that deck ends up being.

Haven't tested against blue or BW but it feels strong there too.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:36 pm
by NotARobot
Against blue it stops evolve, tidebinder, and master. Kind of a shoe-in imo

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:46 pm
by Kaitscralt
Genesis Hydra on the other hand is even better for you now Purp because your opponent can't counter the trigger

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:20 pm
by Purp
Genesis Hydra for 5, putting Nissa into play, before Hydra resolves lightning strike Nissa. The dream.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:52 pm
by Kaitscralt
in response they activate the chain veil

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:55 pm
by BlakLanner
Which still does nothing since you can only activate planeswalkers at sorcery speed :)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:00 pm
by Kaitscralt
I thought it just added loyalty to your planeswalkers, I haven't read it since the day it was spoiled

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:04 pm
by Kaitscralt
if you could activate planeswalkers at instant speed then you wouldn't need any real or fake version of the chain veil to save Nissa in this instance

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:06 pm
by Elricity
I would be surprised if chain veil sees play anyway.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:18 pm
by mutantcrock
Is it correct to drop YP$ in the mirror? My thoughts are he basically reads 1/1 for 2 mana in the mirror, I still see a lot searing blood, and he and his tokens are weak to Chandra. At the same time, he is a must deal with threat that will divert burn from the face. I like Phoenix because it forces them to have the chained but it does seem like somewhat of a tempo loss to cast him sometimes.

What are you guys doing in the mirror?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:22 pm
by BlakLanner
I would leave them in. It is another durable threat. Also, what would you be bringing in? In my list, the only thing that would come in would be Chandra and maybe Wear/Tear if they are still on an Eidolon plan.