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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:06 pm
by Alex
I mean, Leonin Arbiter or Aethersworn Canonnist are the only real cards at 2. There are arguments for Grand Abolisher but I don't think that card is good enough.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:24 pm
by hamfactorial
I'd run Arbiter if I didn't use fetches. Dropping fetches requires lots of mana base adjustments, including Battlefield Forge, maybe City of Brass.

On the topic of the mana rocks, I was giving serious consideration to Talisman of Indulgence over Boros Signet so I can hold hold up a bolt on T2 and have a more reliable black splash for my SB cards.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:32 pm
by Pedros
I agree, however it doesnt really change uncolored mana to colored, and it doesnt help you casting double white cards. Interesting idea, but imo signet is better.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:40 pm
by Pedros
Btw when going heavier on mana with acceleration you can also try running planeswalkers. Red and white have numerous good planeswalkers in modern:

Chandra (4 mana one)
Ajani (RW one)
Elspeth (4 mana one)

If u need more removal Oust is an option.

For early defense and card advantage you can go wih Wall of Omens.

I dont like u have to play 4 copies of everything.

Another type of acceleration would be Mind Stone. Early acceleration, later diggin.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:52 pm
by hamfactorial
I've considered both Oust and Condemn, hadn't thought about Chained to the Rocks as suggested earlier. The Lightning Helixes are mostly in there because it seems like the most obvious choice after Path and Bolt, and going upstairs is good value.

I would play better/different removal in that spot if the meta ever shifts to the point where I needed something to kill 4 toughness or indestructible creatures (Dismember is my first choice).

Instant speed is preferred, of course, but we can't have it all.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:04 pm
by hamfactorial
I played around with the Signet list, and I can confirm that making turn 5 copies of Wurmcoil Engine with Kiki-Jiki is just about the most satisfying thing ever.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:07 pm
by hamfactorial
It makes Stony Silence terrible out of the sideboard, though.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:53 pm
by Valdarith
I played around with the Signet list, and I can confirm that making turn 5 copies of Wurmcoil Engine with Kiki-Jiki is just about the most satisfying thing ever.
Hamwise making Tron players jealous.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:56 pm
by hamfactorial
I faced a Zombies player running Bridge From Below and a bunch of Gravecrawlers. He attacked me to 2 life with a Kiki on the board. I untapped, cast Wurmcoil, swing for 6 with lifelink, getting 2 tokens at EOT, which blew up both of the Bridges in his graveyard.

Then I screamed "VALUE" and woke up the dog.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:00 pm
by Valdarith
Well that's just mean.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:03 pm
by hamfactorial
Satisfied with that, I spent the rest of the morning jamming mono red mana sink deck wins and trolling kids with Blood Moon.

I think that deck has gotten better since Deathrite Shaman was banned, so it may be time to tune it up again.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:31 pm
by Toddington
I spent the rest of the morning jamming mono red mana sink deck wins and trolling kids with Blood Moon.
Lists or it didn't happen.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:37 pm
by hamfactorial
It happened

[deck]Modern Mana Sink Deck Wins[/deck]

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:54 pm
by Pedros
Dont do it Ham. Battle Star Galacrica is sweet.

Signets and Stony Silence is nonbo combo, but you cant complain when you have stony silence vs robots.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:55 pm
by hamfactorial
I know, I was just blowing off steam by making everyone in Modern play with Mountains :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:03 am
by hamfactorial
This is the version I tested, for the record.

[deck]Modern BBBSG v. 1.21[/deck]

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:04 am
by hamfactorial
What a beast

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:06 am
by Valdarith
Geez, you took my Wurmcoil suggestion to heart, didn't you?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:19 am
by hamfactorial
I was swayed by your southern charm

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:51 am
by magicdownunder
Ham just letting ya know, I do have a rather large collection of Modern cards (all fetch lands, Snapcaster Mage, etc.. etc...) if your missing something let me know (so you can save some extra tickets for 8-Mans or DE) ;-)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:40 pm
by hamfactorial
You're a gentleman and a scholar, MDU. When I have another crazy idea for the deck, I'll check with you first.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:07 pm
by hamfactorial
The version with top-end Wurmcoils is powerful, but suffers from terrible opening hands, especially when you don't draw a Signet. It feels win-more to me, but it is quite fun when the game drags long :shrug:

I'll be focusing on the build with Kiki as my tap-out finisher, since it seems more robust.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:59 pm
by hamfactorial
Ran this beautiful pile to a 4-0 daily finish. (streamed on twitch, you can watch the whole thing by following the link in my signature).

[deck]Modern BBBSG v. 1.22[/deck]

2-0 Win vs. Tarmo-Twin
2-1 Win vs. UWR Control
2-1 Win vs. Junk Pod
2-1 Win vs. Junk Walkers

I derped multiple times with Bonfire in game 3, neglecting to WIN THE FUCKING GAME in favor of durdling
around and getting him down to 1 or 2, much to the chagrin of my stream audience. Jonnymagic was there, and demanded that I Bonfire for 2 every time, even if it's not the right play.

Henceforth, the deck shall be nicknamed Bonfire for 2.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:54 pm
by Valdarith
Congrats! I 3-0d a THS Sealed queue as well. FoS hotstreak!

I'll watch the stream later. For some reason the quality of my streams is bad and I have to figure out why.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:18 am
by hamfactorial
Woo, go red mages!

It was a good stream, some good play overall. I think the deck is nearing its final form, anything left is small tweaks.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:28 am
by Pedros
Dont really think deck with so many 4 offs is in its final state. it may be just me thou...

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:36 am
by hamfactorial
:shrug: What value do you place on consistency? A bunch of 2/3-ofs will make for a deck that plays very differently depending on my draws.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:44 am
by Valdarith
That's a very overgeneralized statement. Not every deck with a lot of four ofs is untuned. Plus his deck has quite a few two ofs.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:47 am
by Helios
Yea judging a deck purely based on how many 2-,3- ofs it has makes 0 sense. Ham's number choices look solid when you think about what the cards do.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:51 am
by hamfactorial
I didn't say "HAHA SOLVED IT!" I just get the feeling from playing the deck a lot that this is very close to what it should be. If I had a card that was worth a few more slots, I'd find room.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:55 am
by hamfactorial
Also, as a tangent, Ethersworn Canonist has become the MVP sideboard card. I brought it in today in testing vs. some janky Elves combo deck, and it pooped all over them. No Craterhoof 4 u.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:00 am
by Valdarith
Yeah that green devotion deck cannot beat Canonist short of maybe Beast Within which I don't think any of them run. I guess Acidic Slime can.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:12 am
by magicdownunder
Would it be possible to splash green for ramp since HAVE SO MANY 3 drops....

Hell if you do I'll lend you 4x Noble Hierarch (omg why is a play set worth $160? I got those for $4 each) and/or Birds of Paradise (with all those 4cc drops Wall of Roots would be better then birds).

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:19 am
by hamfactorial
If you want to help fund Mr. Boros on his journey to Naya town, I'll accept your generous offer. I tested ramp with Boros Signet and wasn't overly impressed with the results. Sure, the games that I curved into a T4 Kiki combo were super-broken, but I hated having to cut removal or better creatures for ramp.

I'm happy to develop a Naya version, maybe it has some legs.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:23 am
by magicdownunder
If you want to help fund Mr. Boros on his journey to Naya town, I'll accept your generous offer. I tested ramp with Boros Signet and wasn't overly impressed with the results. Sure, the games that I curved into a T4 Kiki combo were super-broken, but I hated having to cut removal or better creatures for ramp.

I'm happy to develop a Naya version, maybe it has some legs.
List the cards and I'll see what I can do (note: I have sold a fair number of my naya cards which I greatly regret - etc I don't have the GR manland or Knight of the Reliquary and Wild Nacatl but I do have Noble, WG manland, Ranger of Eos and for some unknown reason promo Lotus Cobras (I think I just fan-boy over the art)).

I also have every modern fetch land which I
mentioned before....

I'm actually really looking forward to rejoining you guys in Modern once the 3rd set get released (I need to offload 166 THS boosters.....).

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:29 am
by Valdarith
Then you have to ask yourself if you're just playing a bad version of Big Zoo. You certainly have a lot of value guys which is great. It could be that Big Zoo is in fact playing a bad version of your deck should it shift to Naya.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:38 am
by magicdownunder
Then you have to ask yourself if you're just playing a bad version of Big Zoo. You certainly have a lot of value guys which is great. It could be that Big Zoo is in fact playing a bad version of your deck should it shift to Naya.
Solid post :smileup:

Here is the Big Zoo list with the most recent finish:

[deck=whiterknight's Big Zoo]Lands 22
4 Arid Mesa
3 Forest
1 Ghost Quarter
1 Horizon Canopy
1 Kessig Wolf Run
4 Misty Rainforest
1 Mountain
2 Plains
2 Razorverge Thicket
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Stomping Ground
1 Temple Garden

Creatures 24
2 Aven Mindcensor
1 Birds of Paradise
4 Knight of the Reliquary
1 Lotus Cobra
2 Loxodon
4 Noble Hierarch
2 Scavenging Ooze
4 Tarmogoyf
4 Wild Nacatl

Others 14
1 Bonfire of the Damned
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Lightning Helix
2 Path to Exile
2 Rancor

Sideboard 15
1 Ancient Grudge
3 Blood Moon
1 Choke
2 Combust
1 Creeping Corrosion
1 Fiery Justice
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Stony Silence
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Wear // Tear[/deck]

The deck is a 1 dimensional aggro deck with really powerful creatures.

What is ham list? A mini-combo deck with many 2-for-1 creatures (I prefer Ham's list by miles).

I do however believe it can great benefit from the green splash, I think 6 rampers (4 Noble and 2 walls) over 2 lands, 1 Bonefire (two is too many in the MD) and 3 of something else would do wonders.

That said, don't fix what isn't broken - squeeze in more games with your current set-up if its not falling short don't change it.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:06 pm
by Jonnymagic
@Ham -- first off, always bon for 2. 2nd -- think of your hardest MUs, and does green help you with those. I feel you lose some points to fast decks. Personally I think your list is tuned pretty tightly -- with some room for variance in the SB.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:17 pm
by hamfactorial
I'm willing to try a green splash, but the deck runs really well as-is. I'm a chronic brewer, so I'll give anything a shot.

Maybe a mana dork lets me bon bon for 3 ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:40 pm
by Toddington
Yo Ham, have you ever tried a miser's Isochron Scepter in a list with 4 Bolt/Path/Helix? Trying to decide whether it's jank or not.