[Primer] Boros Burn

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Postby ChrisMachado » Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:51 pm

He surely must've been running hot in order to get 1 of 2 Charms to win Game 2 and/or Game 3 against those decks. :lol:
Well he's going to side in Deicide to take care of that pesky Thassa which is apparently a big problem for Burn.

People in the /r/spikes thread are upset that zem didn't give his blessing to the deck like some sort of RW Burn Pope.

I've tried
DRS before but back then I was running a very aggressive shell. The mana was atrocious. I'm hesitant to but I might give it another shot without all the junk and just DRS.
New guy here, so forgive me for my intrusion, but I'd like to share my opinion.
I am currently trying out the Shouta's list and well, it did adapt well to my play style honestly. I do think that Z's list was/is better suited for my current meta and for modo in general, but hey, that's another story.
One of the changes I made was trade in Wear//Tear for Deicide. Artifacts haven't been a problem yet, and yes, Wear//Tear does take care of 90% or the problem, but the reason for my Deicide change was for the extra peek at my opponents hand. Thassa really isn't much of a problem in the Mono Blue Devotion match up, since 99% of my burn goes for their creatures, to keep the devotion low and I usually win with YP's and Phoenix. However, the chance to look at my opponents hand has been wonderful for me, since it
allows me to know my restrictions or when to just burn them out. That is the main reason for the change I made (which I'm certainly not the only one). Also still takes care of problematic stuff, such as Primeval Bounty and Bow of Nylia. Another one was the Boros Reckoner. Nothing wrong with it, just wasn't my play style. In it's place I put a 4th Flamespeaker, 1 Fated Conflagration and 2 Mizzium Mortars. Weird enough, G/R Monsters is my easiest match up, with my hardest being Mono Blue Devotion on their nut draws and well, Naya Hexproof (which is possible to win thanks to YP and Flamespeaker).
Out of curiosity though, from my experience control hasn't been much of a problem, specially now with their new deck tech without Banishing Light and Detention Sphere, but Mindspaker seems really interesting. Do we not use him, because would be 4 dead cards on the SB against every other deck or there's just much better options out there?
And one last thing, if you wouldn't mind: That mana base looks horrible.
As it currently is I'm already thinking of adding a second Mana Confluence, I can only imagine with 3 colors. In my humble opinion he'd be better of going aggro instead of burn, with his spells to clear the field instead. If he wants to kill every little thing that the opponent has, instead of burning him out and not giving time to react, he might as well play black devotion. The idea is nice, but if planeswalkers are giving that much trouble, well, we're probably already so far behind that would need a miracle top deck draw to change something.

I don't have any glamorous titles to show, only casual FNM and modo, I'm also a returning player after 7 years away (yeah, has been a while...), but this topic has been very constructive and helpful for not only me (which I was referred by someone who beat me in a mirror and guided through the match, great guy), but for every red mage out there. Just for the record, took me 8 days to read through the 148 pages at the time, trying out every single deck list
and change made throughout the topic. But Z really is a great inspiration and doesn't surprise me that a lot of people look up to him, like well, a pope.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:03 pm

He surely must've been running hot in order to get 1 of 2 Charms to win Game 2 and/or Game 3 against those decks. :lol:
Well he's going to side in Deicide to take care of that pesky Thassa which is apparently a big problem for Burn.

People in the [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/comments ... te_shaman/
ciibasb?context=1]/r/spikes[/url] thread are upset that zem didn't give his blessing to the deck like some sort of RW Burn Pope.

I've tried DRS before but back then I was running a very aggressive shell. The mana was atrocious. I'm hesitant to but I might give it another shot without all the junk and just DRS.
but Mindspaker seems really interesting. Do we not use him, because would be 4 dead cards on the SB against every other deck or there's just much better options out there?
Mindsparker isn't good against the matchups it's supposed to be good against, mostly cause it's strength isn't in line with its mana cost. It came up a few times long in the past before being quickly found out that it's only meh.

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Postby ChrisMachado » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:24 pm

Nice videos Elricity. That comment of the control player, on the video of June 15th made me giggle. I though I was the only slow burn player out there, but from what I've seem, most the of good burn players take their time to think about their actions and close the game.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:04 pm

Thanks. I'm slower than most because I have probably the least practice here.

But yes, there is almost no reason to rush your plays with the deck.

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Postby Realize » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:09 pm

I'm split on what to play in the scg open. I'm playing burn in Legacy but don't know if i should play control or burn in the Standard. This si my current burn list. I've gone towards Eidolon and fewer shocks than the Pyromancer version:
1 Shock
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Skullcrack
4 Boros Charm
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
3 Searing Blood
4 Warleader's Helix
1 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
4 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Spark Trooper

3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
8 Mountain
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Mana Confluence
1 Temple of Malice

2 Wear // Tear
4 Firedrinker Satyr
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Toil // Trouble
1 Chained to the Rocks
3 Nyx-Fleece Ram

I like burn a lot. I've won a lot with it. There;s a lot of supreme verdicts where I play, and Eidolon has pulled more weight than Pyromancer. My big problem with burn
is that In my last event, I saw multiple Courser of Kruphix,Fiendslayer Paladin, Nyc-Fleece Ram, Blind Obedience and Unflinching Courage. Boss-Sligh, because it's so budget, has swarmed around recently, and people have been packing playsets of hate cards. WB Midrange used to be a great matchup, but now they're on 4 Duress, 3 Sin Collector, 3 Obzedat and 3 Blood Baron. The hate cards are just brutal to fight through.

This makes me want to jump to the opposite side of the spectrum. Play a UW or Esper list that preys on the Midrange decks that prey on the aggro decks. I know this isn't exactly the forum to ask for deck choice advice, but if you owned and were practiced with both control and burn, which would you play at an SCG Open? Remember, red aggro won the SCG Open just last week.
Last edited by Realize on Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby ChrisMachado » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:43 pm

If you're worried about aggro, go with burn and instead of the Eidolon, add Young Pyromancer. Sligh deck has no chance against a descent hand. I'm a noob and still haven't lost to that deck, out of at least 7-8 match up's.

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Postby Realize » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:03 pm

That's missing the point. We beat aggro, that's a reason to play burn. The problem is that the rest of the meta adapts to beat aggro, and we get hit by the splash hate.

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Postby HK1997 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:13 am

Mindsparker isn't good against the matchups it's supposed to be good against, mostly cause it's strength isn't in line with its mana cost. It came up a few times long in the past before being quickly found out that it's only meh.
Well months ago when FS and eidolon and FS were spoiled, 99% of the people posting were convinced it had no place in this deck. Now 3 or so players have found they like it (in reference to FS) after someone else put up a result with it.
This burn deck has flavors for anyone's taste and it is quite resilient to changes imo. I'm currently running reckoner/dictatetate/anger/fated in a semi-serious attempt to live the dream of 20dmg with one spell after durdling 10 turns to set it up.... Nah... just seeing if it improves the midrange matchup. I've played several SE and daily events now and it feels almost like nothing changed... that's 8 cards in the board that, according to others, aren't good in this deck. Until I see the shouta list put up results online or at another gp (now a month or so after the fact), I'm going to assume the FS is just fringe tech that works sometimes and sometimes doesn't. 3 semi-useful cards don't break our sideboard. I got killed by a BG devotion deck with splash for sire of insanity. Yeah. It really surprised and killed me outright. Doesn't make it good. I beat him 2-0 in the next SE finals once I knew what was coming.

When I finally manage to draw dictate on curve with some burn spells and realize it's junk, I'll gladly run mind sparker a couple of events. Hell, most of us don't consider TT a bad 4 of, even tho it only comes in in two matchups consistently and tends
to underperform post t3, especially in the mirror. FS may "come in" in other matchups, but I don't see why I need it in most of them as they are good matchups already.

In the spirit of redundancy, I'm liking renounce the guilds (haven't tested yet). Seems like a good utility card to have one or two of in several matchups where we could use a 2 mana instant answer to problematic things like early multi colored plainswalkers we would otherwise let tick up, unflinching courage, dsphere and 12 targets in mono blue (ironically) even more so if they splash white for sphere. I think we have exhausted most options of cards that are just OP and "take over the game". I think we should also be looking at cards that aren't AWESOME but subtly improv3 our game vs a wide array of matchups. Those of us playing online can go 3-4 events without seeing a single UW opponent. But as I said before. I believe we have a little wiggle room in our sideboard for a bit of insanity or fun. How else do you
explain that bad sideboard finishing first in moscow?

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Postby HK1997 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:31 am

Remember, red aggro won the SCG Open just last week.
And the scg event before that one and the scg event before that one. Meanwhile straight monoB devotion and straight UW control were the only decks in the DC gp top 8. Me is just thinking that scg events are flooded with people playing JUST FOR FUN! :argh: and not paying attention to what they will have to fight thru.

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Postby Toddington » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:36 am

Remember, red aggro won the SCG Open just last week.
And the scg event before that one and the scg event before that one. Meanwhile straight monoB devotion and straight UW control were the only decks in the DC gp top 8. Me is just thinking that scg events are flooded with people playing JUST FOR FUN! :argh: and not paying attention to what they will have to fight thru.
What is "Fun"? Some sort of sideboard card? How does it improve the bad matchups?

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Postby HK1997 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:39 am

@toddington LMAO! maybe it's one of their new rare, foil, ultra special tokens?

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Postby magicdownunder » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:07 am

@dpaine88: I commented on your page, I use OBS to record videos and I suggest asking these question on the DtR thread rather then here.

@Realize: Glad too see you posting again :)
Ya know how you guys are all loving Prophetic Flamespeaker vs Ux Devo and control right?

Why not just run Mindsparker in its place? The card is still decent if Jace or a Sheep get in the way since it can turn into a 1-sided Revel (yes, Ux devotion as well since they have been
know too run a heavy counter and/or jace plan postboard).
One ends the game if unanswered in two turns. The other does not. Also, one is more powerful against several more matchups.
I think the statement which I bolded is clouded by best case scenario syndrome, with transformation sideboard plan your sacrificing slots which are usually dedicated for removal in favor for creatures. As a result, in MOST games your casting Prophetic Flamespeaker and/or Boros Reckoner into a even or bad boardstate (if the board is clean your going to win anyways).

For Boros Reckoner this is a good thing, not so much for Prophetic Flamespeaker esp. in a MU with evasion and a god providing unblock-able goodness, assuming you do clean the board and swing in with [card]Prophetic Flamespeaker[/card:
2yliz3u5] you run the risk of hitting into 1-6 exile effect, 1-2 mortars, 1-2 Prophetic Flamespeaker or hitting Lightning Strike only too have your Opp. drop a creature which you can't deal with the following turn.

I think if you are going too give Prophetic Flamespeaker a shot now, you might as well give Mindsparker a try since the good Ux Devotion players like Sam and his kind are running a transformation sideboards as well with Jace, Counters and Mindcontrol effects which further reduces the odd of cleaning the board with limited removals.

That said I do concede the fact that Prophetic Flamespeaker is better in more MUs (though outside Ux Devo and Control those "other MUs" are a really small part of the meta game, with the exception for Bx Devotion).
Last edited by magicdownunder on Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby NotARobot » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:21 am

Do you want to borrow a few flamespeakers from me to use in a couple events MDU? I wouldnt mind, would be fun to see you run them.

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Postby magicdownunder » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:24 am

Do you want to borrow a few flamespeakers from me to use in a couple events MDU? I wouldnt mind, would be fun to see you run them.
Hisssss, creatures!!! I'll try it if my rating drops under 1800 (which would take about 3-4 losses in my 8-Mans since 8-Mans are horrible like that).

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Postby ChrisMachado » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:32 am

Hmm, Friday Night Magic (Big deal, I know right?) using Shouta's list, here are the results so far.
Round 1:
White Black Mid Range
Game 1: Opponent got stuck on mana, so was really easy to burst him out and that escalated fast. Round 5 he was done.
Game 2: Slow start for him, great start for me. Started with a early Mutavault hit for a free Shock, from there on, controlled the aggro on the board while smashing with YP.
White Weenie
Game 1: Same of the same old, control the aggro while Young Pyromancer destroys him.
Game 2: Sided in Reckoner, since he was playing White/Red and well, worked out well. Young Pyromancer got Shocked, Boros Reckoner put a fear on him, turn after he was on play, he conceded.
Black Devotion
Game 1: Had a bealtiful hand with 2 Chained to the Rocks, a Mizzium mortar and a Phoenix. No mountain to put it in. Magma Jet trying to scry for a Mountain and
well, didn't get it, that Demon ate me alive.
Game 2: 3 Skullcrack's, 2 Boros Charm and a Young Pyromancer. Then was land, land, land... Lifebane Zombie followed by a Gray Merchant put me out. All I needed was a Shock... =(
Round 3:
Sligh Deck
Game 1: I was prepared, as I came tonight expecting lots of small aggro, so he did get me at a low of 5, but I got him. Was holding mana up to throw a spell on top of his Lightning Bolt and that Helix sealed the deal.
Game 2: I was at 18 at the end, need anything else said?

Total: 3-1

That was it for me this Friday Night Magic. Nothing exciting, but was fun.

Edit: There was one more round I wasn't aware of haha.

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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:41 am

Had a blast at FNM tonight. Went 3-0-1 - the top 4 drew since we were the only undefeateds. Played the last match for fun and won anyway. Probably should've went for broke and played the last round - if I had, I would've been top, but meh. I'm happy. Got $20 and a Dissolve.

I was going to write up a report but honestly not much happened. I won the first match vs white heroic without taking a single point of damage. Going 3x Chains + 1x Banishing gives a good chunk of answers and the additional stuff in the side gives even more. Match 2 was against a Simic Flash deck, he kept bringing in random flash creatures and I kept removing them. Match 3 was against mono black, I almost felt bad for the guy in game 2 because he just couldn't do anything. Chandra was just stupid. Match 4 didn't count but it was against Sligh, I dropped a Lightning Bolt and a clutch Helix on his Firedrinkers G1, lost G2 due to keeping a 3-Temple
hand (wasn't paying attention cause the match didn't count), and won G3 off the back of a flurry of YP tokens.

Feeling good after that, the deck ran very well and shone brightly in the answers for X department. Going again tomorrow afternoon, hoping to win some more store credit for my M15 box.

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Instant (25)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
3 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (4)
1 Banishing Light
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
3 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
1 Temple of Silence
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
1 Banishing Light
1 Boros Reckoner
2 Blind Obedience
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Keening Apparition
3 Mizzium Mortars
3 Toil / Trouble[/deck]

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Postby LaZerBurn » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:45 am

Just for the record, took me 8 days to read through the 148 pages at the time, trying out every single deck list and change made throughout the topic.
Welcome to DTR SIr! :) Thanks for a fantastic first post - this in particular should be in displayed in big bold letters everywhere as a guide for all newcomers to the Forum! :)
Thanks to NerdBoyWonder for the awesome sig :)

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Postby Realize » Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:17 pm

SCG today! I'm on some painkillers from a recent surgery (Fuck tonsils!) But' feeling pretty good. We had a huge FNM 40+ people because alot of folks are int own for the scg Open. At FNM I lost the mirror in round 1. I mulled to 5 game 1, won game 2 off the back of eidolon, and had double eidolon game 3, but couldn't draw my 4th land, so he nutted me while i held up 2 helix and a spark trooper.

Then I beat white aggro almost single handedly with Satyr Firedancer in two matches. I beat Black control/aggro blend (grey merchant and herald of torment...) because he was bad at using whip of erebos. Then I finished round 5 by winning the mirror in 3 games. He got me on a mull to 6 in game 1, but Nyx-Feece Ram did serious work in games 2 and 3.

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Postby Elricity » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:43 am

Just came back from the SCG. Think it had 50 players and I finished 12th. Got 3 packs, one had a mana confluence that I gave back to the guy I'd borrowed it from.

I'll keep it short.
SCG deck

4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Chain to the rocks
1 Mizzium Mortars


4 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
4 Skullcrack
4 Boros Charm
4 Warleader's Helix


8 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Silence
1 Mana Confluence (was really good to me)
3 Mutavault


3 Prophetic Flamespeaker
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chandra, Pyromaster (never drew)
2 Banishing Light
1 Mizzium Mortars
1 Wear // Tear (never drew)
1 Keening Apparation (never drew)
1 Reprisal (never cast)[/deck]
Match 1 vs 4 color midrange. Supposedly this
placed somewhere but the deck looks like shit. Advent of the wurm, Sylvan Carytid, Ashiok, Pack Rat, Hero's Downfall, Polukranos, Blood Baron, Unflinching courage, etc.

Win in 2 rounds with phoenixes and burn with a couple key removals here and there. Sideboard was -4 shock/boros charm, +2 Chandra, 2 Banishing Light, 1 Reprisal, 1 Mortar, 2 reckoner. Thought about bringing in the two other reckoner but didn't want to take anything else out for it.

Match 2 vs Boss red. Game 1, kill all his guys until I hit a YP and win. Game 2, I kill a couple guys while 2 for 1'ing pumps, land an early flamespeaker, draw cards, and he ends the game holding magma spray and other shit I don't care about. Sideboard: -4 boros charm, 4 skullcrack, 4 phoenix, +3 Flamespeaker, +4 Reckoner, Mortar, +2 Banish, +2 Chandra.

Cards drawn with flamespeaker : 6. Chewed through 3 lands and a mizzium mortar first. Mortars was not missed as I would have scried it down at that point anyway if I could.

Match 3 vs
Hexproof. Pretty much the whole reason I'm writing this report. Game 1 I die to a Gifted Bassara plus witchstalker. YP and Phoenix got chained instantly. Sideboard: -4 shock, MM, 4 chain, 1 helix, 2 phoenix. + W/T, Keening, 2 Banish, 4 Reckoner, 3 Flamespeaker.

Game 2, I land an early flamespeaker, draws a scry land and a jet, I let the Jet stay exiled. He suits up a fiendslayer paladin with madcap/armor which hits me once while I get another flamespeaker and reckoner in play. He swings, I trade a flamespeaker and reckoner for paladin and he goes to 30. I slam another reckoner then proceed to spend the next 3 turns using flamespeaker to dig through a land pocket while he's also flooding before I hit another phoenix and my flamespeaker finally gets banished. By then, I have enough presence to murder a gifted bassara and an ajani. I put 2 chains back in cutting another helix and phoenix.

Game 3 he gets his nut draw and kills me turn 4 with some suited up guy because I never hit any of my enchant hate
or banishes and can't get reckoner/flamespeaker online fast enough through his mapcap and removal.

Cards drawn with flamespeaker: 10.

Match 4 vs BW midrange. Game 1, he sees my hand of 2 YP plus burn. Not realizing it until later, he uses a devour flesh when I have a token out so I assume his removal is crap and play my 2nd YP into his bile blight with no way to counter it. I get him to 3 through a gary and blood baron and my 3 skullcracks but couldn't topdeck any burn spell I needed to get a CP back to finish. SB: -4 shock, boros charm, 3 helix, +2 Chandra, 3 Flamespeaker, 2 banish, 1 mortar, 1 reprisal, 1 w/t, 1 keen.

Game 2. I'm again skullcracking through his whips while drawing cards with a flamespeaker (which surprised him). On my last turn, with lethal to swing on board, I topdeck a skullcrack and foolishly windmill slam it. He devour fleshes a demon in response and I can't get the game back as he downfalls flamespeaker next turn so I can't hit any of my exile or enchantment removal
to deal with the whip. Embarrassing.

Cards drawn with flamespeaker: 4.

Match 5 vs GW. Game 1, Kill an elf, soldier and experiment one before I race a wurm with phoenixes and kill him first. SB: -4 charm, 4 skullcrack, 2 shock, 1 helix. +2 banish, 1 reprisal, 4 reckoner, 3 flamespeaker, 1 mortar. Game 2, I mull to 5, keep a 3 land + YP + reprisal. YP gets banished, I never get a target for reprisal, and my banish only removes a guy before I die to 3/3's. Game 3, he mulls down, I get YP and flamespeaker down then remove what little he plays while flamespeaker digs up helixes.
Cards drawn with Flamespeaker: 4.

Match 6 vs Naya MIdrange. Game 1 I only see voice, carytid, and 2 boros charms so I can't tell if he's midrange or hexproof. I kinda go in between with sideboard. SB: -1 helix, -4 charm, -4 shock, +2 banish, 4 reckoner, 1 mortar, 1 w/t, 1 keen. Game 2, I keep an all burn hand which pairs up poorly with a voice, xenagos, ghor-clan, and...gideon? Game 3 I pull out some skullcrack for
reprisal and the helix back. I land an early YP and then use a banishing light for 1 Poly and then had to lightning strike/jet two more which was fine because I murdered him with tokens.
Finished 12th knowing damn well I had no excuse for throwing my game against BW.

Overall, the deck was amazingly solid. Buying the flamespeakers on MTGO now.

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Postby ChrisMachado » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:32 am

Congratulations on the 4-2 man. May not be my place to say, but I will anyway, alcohol has the best of me tonight. But on match 4, game 2 (well, in any game actually), something I always do is hold my burns in tight situations and specially end-games, to use as a answer to whatever they have. Slam burn when we are ahead of the game seems to never turn out good =P

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Postby NotARobot » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:53 am

Not exactly the right place for it, but I went 8-0-1 in GP DC today! Definitely want to give a shoutout to the thread for helping me play smarter magic overall! Now I have to make it through a few drafts.. wish I could just show up and play some burn! x_x

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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:05 am

Not exactly the right place for it, but I went 8-0-1 in GP DC today! Definitely want to give a shoutout to the thread for helping me play smarter magic overall! Now I have to make it through a few drafts.. wish I could just show up and play some burn! x_x
That's an fantastic result and I also feel ya about the draft issue :tongue:

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Postby Elricity » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:33 am

Anyway, in none of those matches with flamespeaker did I feel that free shocks from mindsparker would have been better than free card draw, even if all my opponents had been playing blue or white. Nor did I mind it exiling cards that were not advancing my gameplan at the time (like the mortar vs boss red for example). That said, if you were playing against only control and monsters, it might better if you're wanting to attack through carytids. Outside a strange meta like that though, I would avoid it. The three toughness vs 2 is also highly relevant against red.

I wouldn't fault someone for cutting some number of something for more mortar but banishing light really did cover those gaps for me. I actually sat on a mortar vs the Naya midrange deck vs all those Polykrunos and while holding that to get the chance to overload was great (didn't need to), I wouldn't have wanted to see multiple.

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Postby Elricity » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:36 am

Congratulations on the 4-2 man. May not be my place to say, but I will anyway, alcohol has the best of me tonight. But on match 4, game 2 (well, in any game actually), something I always do is hold my burns in tight situations and specially end-games, to use as a answer to whatever they have. Slam burn when we are ahead of the game seems to never turn out good =P
I can't begin to tell you why I did it short of wanting to recur a phoenix in my graveyard and not thinking through his outs. Every blue moon, I just get impressively cocky instead of my usual timidness and trying to be clever is by far my biggest weakness. More practice will probably beat it out of me. We'll see.

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Postby zenbitz » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:16 am

Elricty - thanks for the post, I think I kind of get the 3 drop creatures in the sideboard now.

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Postby LP, of the Fires » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:25 am

Whoever said Shouta is a top 5 whatever is high.

He's barely top 5 in his own country and there are at least 4 American's that are better players then him with another say 3 that have better deckbuilding credentials.

Saito, his countryman massively shits on him in both categories. The reason he's not in the hall of fame is because PT top 16's don't count.

Great player...but not top 5 lol
You gotta understand, I love the beatdown. I really do. I always have.

Beatdown is hard, though.

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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:27 am

And he was caught cheating...

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Postby LP, of the Fires » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:30 am

Clockstalling, yeah, but even if you disregard Saito, there's Kenji, Shuhei, Mihara, and Watanabe; all of whom I'd put above Shouta.

You could take my word for it, or look up stats, facts is facts.

Edit: He's still an elite player, don't get me wrong: he's just not THAT NIGGA.
You gotta understand, I love the beatdown. I really do. I always have.

Beatdown is hard, though.

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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:46 am


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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:47 am

Not exactly the right place for it, but I went 8-0-1 in GP DC today! Definitely want to give a shoutout to the thread for helping me play smarter magic overall! Now I have to make it through a few drafts.. wish I could just show up and play some burn! x_x
Whats the format? What are you playing?

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Postby ChrisMachado » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:44 am

Something a little off topic, but you know what I hate the most?Control players and their habit of saying "ok" or "sure" or even worse: "Yeah, you have permision". I'm not asking for permission, I'm hitting you for 4 damn it. Don't have a counter then take, but that is annoying.
I feel better getting off my chest now, we should make this a weekly thing. I'm off Wednesday.

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Postby Elricity » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:48 am

I'm the reverse, I tend to make them say it

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Postby ChrisMachado » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:18 pm

Is really funny when the control player taps out for a Sphinx's and you Wear//Tear their Elixir. Go ahead, win now haha

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Postby Purp » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:56 pm

With Hexproof winning the Open, and my store typically having at least 4-5 hexproof decks at each IQ (predicitng a spike for this weekend), I will either be playing Reckoners (least likely) but I will most likely play 2-3 Pay No Heed. Gets around hexproof, and stops a big swing with Courage.

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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:03 pm

Shout out to dpaine for going 6-1 in Swiss and splitting the top 4 to win a grand in a tcg5k yesterday.
Thanks to NerdBoyWonder for the amazing sig!
Son, I want you to know that no matter what happens between your mother and me, it's all your fault.

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Postby ChrisMachado » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:04 pm

Purp, just out of curiosity, in that case wouldn't it be more profitable playing Glaring Spotlight? At least you can use against G/R as well, to take care of those Sylvian and attack their mana source, being less of a "dead card"?
Well, I guess an argument could be made for Pay No Heed as well, being able to prevent a monstrous Polukranos could make a huge difference on the race and well, can't be destroyed either. Yeah, you're right, re-thinking what I said, Pay No Heed would be more effective I guess.

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Postby dpaine88 » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:06 pm

So this weekend I top4'd a TCG player 5k event.

We split cash so I walked away with $1,000. Pretty fuckin awesome. By far the most I've ever won.

Will post a full report soon.
Last edited by dpaine88 on Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Purp » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:06 pm

i like that Pay No Heed has applications in other matchups as well, typically 'race" ones. Also, protects Chandra from dieing to creature attacks. Could be bad, but YOLO for secret tech.

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Postby Elricity » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:09 pm

So this weekend I top4'd a TCG player 5k event.

We split cash so I walked away with $1000. Pretty fuckin awesome.

Will post a full report soon.
Big grats!

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Postby Valdarith » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:08 pm

So this weekend I top4'd a TCG player 5k event.

We split cash so I walked away with $1,000. Pretty fuckin awesome. By far the most I've ever won.

Will post a full report soon.
That's awesome. Congrats!
Check out my stream! http://www.twitch.tv/valdarith

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