[Primer] Boros Burn

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Postby Valdarith » Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:45 pm

I do nothing on his turn, untap, draw, then make a decision based on my draw. At any rate, I'm definitely not pointing anything toward Jace.
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Postby BiddingMaster » Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:57 pm

I just 4-0'd another daily events with this decksist. This is how im going to be sideboarding for my future games an I think I have the plans correct as best I can give them in a nutshell. I do have to deviate sometimes based on how things work out but for the most part this is how its going.
4 young pyromancer
4 chandra's phoenix

4 warleader's helix
4 skullcrack
4 lightning strike
4 magma jet
4 shock
2 searing blood
4 boros charm

2 chained to the rocks
1 banishing light

1 temple of malice
3 mutavault
3 boros guildgate
4 sacred foundry
4 temple of triumph
8 mountain

1 banishing light
2 chained to the rocks
2 glare of heresy
3 chandra, pyromaster
3 mizzium mortars
4 eidolon of the great revel[/deck]


bx devotion
-4 shock
-2 magma jet
-4 boros charm
+4 eidolon of the great revel
+2 chained to the rocks
+1 banishing
+3 chandra, pyromaster

this matchup ranges depending on how many grey merchants they draw and how many skullcracks you draw. as long as the number is somewhat even it all comes down really to the damage race. Honestly chandra rarely shows up in this matchup so I can tell you for sure how good she is. i just never draw her win or lose. sry i cant be more informative but until she shows the fuck up to work i can't evaulate her. Everyting else is on the money though.

-4 shock
-2 searing blood
-2 chained to the rocks
-2 warleader's helix
+4 eidolon of the great revel
+2 glare of heresy
+1 banishing light
+3 chandra

this matchup really comes down to aggressive mulligans. if i dont have a creature start i just mulligan it unless i have an above average spell hand. Anyting weak must go. Also any time they done draw a way do deal with chandra they just loose. I have an opponenet with a jace in play not remove her for 4 turns. I feel like this one is a coin toss and there isnt much
we can do about it. I might be wrong but thats how it feels to me.

-1 shock
-4 boros charm
-4 skullcrack
+4 eidolon of the great revel
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 mizzium mortars

Eidolon does alot of work in this matchup. yes i know they have so many bing things. They only drop threat every other turn or so and while they are not playing threats what are they playing? Oh yeah three mana cost spells. it puts them on a clock just like chadrals pheonix does and yp threatens all by herself(himself), i cant tell by the picture one way or the other. we just one for one them while they take damage and we are burning them. We are just going to have to make some concessions that there are decks out there that have nut draws that we cant beat but its not the norm.

mono blue
-4 skullcrack
-1 shock
-4 boros charm
-1 magma jet
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 mizzium mortars
+1 banishing light
+4 eidolon of the great revel

I still stick to the eidolon plan vs mono blue because everything they
play except master is cmc of three or less. on the draw I cut one in favor of the fourth shock even though the number probably should be 3 eidolon and 4 shocks but I am not sure. I just like having t2 eidolon every single in on the play. its the same way with the monsters matchup. we just attrition them one for one while building up yp tokens or lowing their life total with phoenix and burn. they cant have infinite counters and devotion at the same time and that is their Achilles heel.

junk/bw midrange
-4 boros charm
-4 shock
-2 skullcrack
-1 banishing light
-1 magma jet
+4 eidolon
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 mizzium mortars
+3 chandra, pyromaster

this matchup comes down to drawing chandra. they are boarding in sin collector isntead of duress alot of the times and thats where chandra shines. Being able to pick off a guy and still be a clock is awsome and they play so few threats that its hard for them to knock her down and with 12 creatures in the 75 its hard to keep downfall in reserve. We
just one for one them and they one for one us until chandrs comes down to the fields of battle raises the red standard and leads the troop to victory.

mono green devotion/mono red devotion
-4 boros charm
-4 skullcrack
-1 shock
+4 eidolon of the great revel
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 mizzium mortars

I dont like bringing in the last banishing light out of the sideboard mainly because we have so many exile effects that if we cut too many things we cant burn them out. Eidolon does alot of work in this matchup. while they are building up their devotion we are knocking it down, swinging and burning their face and it comes down to the last few draw steps and they cant penetrate out token defense or they just dont have those last few points of damage and we do with our burn and we turn out dudes and our mutas sideways

fast agrro
-4 skullcrack
-4 boros charm
+2 chained to the rocks
+1 banishing light
+3 mizzium mortars
+3 chandra

just one for one them and drop chandra. there isnt much to this
matchup its just comes down to drawing average and them not having a nut draw. Now for the green white aggro deck its a little bit different. I like taking out the searing bloods for glare of heresy. As long as we keep them off of voice of resurgence and keep them off of unflinching courage we should be able to grind them out.

-4 magma jet
-1 shock
-1 skullcrack
-1 warleader's helix
+2 chained to the rocks
+1 banishing light
+4 eidolon of the great revel

eidolon is the major win condition in this deck. as long as we can force them to keep digging for answers they are just dead. also constellation is simillar in design to this deck and it kind of plays out the same way.

-4 chandra's phoenix
-1 banishing light
-4 yound pyromancer
+4 eidolon of the great revel
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 chandra

this sideboard plan may be wrong but all of my successes have been with the boarding out all of my creature plans. It makes all of my opponenets chained to the rocks
just dead draws while keeping all of mine live. Im not sure how other people on modo are boarding in but this is assuming that they are keeping in chandra's phoenix. If they are not then I need to take out chained to the rocks and add back in young pyromancer.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:03 pm

I do nothing on his turn, untap, draw, then make a decision based on my draw. At any rate, I'm definitely not pointing anything toward Jace.
What could you draw that would lead you to save in any condition at this point?

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Postby DerWille » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:26 pm

@dauntless268 - I'd swing Young Pyromancer at him, hold the charm. That'll drop him to 8 life. Another swing and charm + lightning strike/skullcrack is lethal. In this situation, I think Jace is forced to +1 each turn or he will die to your board + burn very quickly so he can be ignored until he's in ult range.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:29 pm

I do nothing on his turn, untap, draw, then make a decision based on my draw. At any rate, I'm definitely not pointing anything toward Jace.
What could you draw that would lead you to save in any condition at this point?
Save Boros Charm instead of casting it during my turn? Warleader's Helix, Wear / Tear, Chandra's Phoenix, or Chandra, Pyromaster.
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Postby zenbitz » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:48 pm

This may be a weird case where you go ahead and kill Jace with YP + BC. If he doesn't have a verdict, last breath, or another jace he loses (or if he plays Rev through your skullcrack bluff).
It doesn't seem to matter much - because you only have Charm which answers Jace/Verdict which answers YP

Either you have gas (3-4 burn spells) on top of your deck and you probably win, or you don't and you just lose.

My guess is that you held charm, drew another charm or helix, and lost a close game because you don't have the mana to kill him while tapped out.
This is a tight spot - he is very close to stabilizing because of your flooding. There is something to be said for getting 4 in through counters with a 10% (or whatever) chance of topdecking a win.

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Postby hamfactorial » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:51 pm

G3 in SE final vs. Esper Control. What would you do here?

a) Burn Jace?
b) Burn him?
c) pass?

and why?
His Pithing Needle has named Mutavault...

Additional Info: The Temple I just played revealed a mountain which I scyed to the bottom
Pretty easy one, save the Charm. You can untap and draw Charm #2 and win on the spot. If not, keep attacking for 1 and force him to +1 Jace every turn until he finds a verdict.

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Postby zenbitz » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:52 pm

@BiddingMaster - do you find it strange that you board in Eidolon against almost everyone? Is this intentional trickery to set up game 3? If you really only keep it out against 1drop.decs it almost seems better to main deck it. On the play it's actually not bad (1/2 the time) and you can board it out game 2 (especially on the draw) as they panic to deal with it. You might lose g1 vs. aggro more but post-board this is probably one of the easier MUs.

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Postby zenbitz » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:53 pm

ham - he only has 3 colored mana so he can't cast 2 charms in a turn. Stupid mutavault!

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Postby hamfactorial » Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:06 pm

He has a shock in hand

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Postby Purp » Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:32 pm

Boarding in Eidolon vs monsters can't be correct. They have like 4 card that can trigger it... It's terrible past turn 2, and terrible topdeck.

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Postby zenbitz » Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:37 pm

He has a shock in hand
Derp. Then I agree you should hold it.

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Postby zenbitz » Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:43 pm

Boarding in Eidolon vs monsters can't be correct. They have like 4 card that can trigger it... It's terrible past turn 2, and terrible topdeck.
Believe it or not, it's actually more like 23. Not saying it's not terrible though.

What does not trigger it:
Xenagos (either one)
Nylea's Disciple (post board)

It's about 12-14 cards depending on how they board. To be fair - it's all their IMPORTANT cards other than ramp.

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Postby Purp » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:53 pm

No shit its 20x cards, I was saying there are only like 4 cards with CMC that trigger it. Also, Miscutter Hydra and Rakdos Return don't trigger it. You are just asking to lose that race.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:22 pm

I do nothing on his turn, untap, draw, then make a decision based on my draw. At any rate, I'm definitely not pointing anything toward Jace.
What could you draw that would lead you to save in any condition at this point?
Save Boros Charm instead of casting it during my turn? Warleader's Helix, Wear / Tear, Chandra's Phoenix, or Chandra, Pyromaster.
In the picture, it's his opponent's
turn who just tapped out to cast Jace. I don't understand saving it when it's a free spell at the end of his opponent's turn.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:58 pm

I do nothing on his turn, untap, draw, then make a decision based on my draw. At any rate, I'm definitely not pointing anything toward Jace.
What could you draw that would lead you to save in any condition at this point?
Save Boros Charm instead of
casting it during my turn? Warleader's Helix, Wear / Tear, Chandra's Phoenix, or Chandra, Pyromaster.
In the picture, it's his opponent's turn who just tapped out to cast Jace. I don't understand saving it when it's a free spell at the end of his opponent's turn.
I know exactly what the picture indicates.

By holding Boros Charm, we open up a lot of possibilities:

1) We're allowing our opponent the opportunity to make a bad play against our hand. If we draw Phoenix, we play the shockland untapped, cast the Phoenix, and swing at his life total for two. If he has Verdict in hand or topdecks it, he may be tempted to clear our board and tick Jace down for cards, allowing us to Boros Charm at EOT, buy back the Phoenix, and put our opponent at one next turn (Mutavault can't be activated).

2) We don't overextend and potentially lose the game. If we do draw a Phoenix next turn, wouldn't you like to be able to buy it back with a burn spell? A lot of people
lose with this deck because they have this mentality that they HAVE to use their burn spells against UWx when they're tapped out without fully understanding the value gained from sandbagging for Phoenix. By going with your proposition of casting Boros Charm immediately at EOT, we lose the ability to buy back a drawn Phoenix, and with our opponent having an active Jace and 5 cards in hand it's likely he has the cards he needs to get ahead and out of our reach.

3) Going back to 1, what if we topdeck Wear / Tear? We go ahead and play a second Mutavault and swing for one with the Pyromancer. Now our opponent really has a lot of decisions. If he has Verdict, he may think he's safe to Verdict and downtick Jace here since he has Needle on board, but he'll be in for one hell of a surprise when we Tear at EOT, then Boros Charm his dome, then swing for the win with Mutavaults.

tl;dr always allow your opponent the opportunity to make the wrong play. By holding Boros Charm in this situation you're increasing
your percentage to win based on the current board state.
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Postby dauntless268 » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:02 pm

Thanks a million for your comments - I must say I've been pretty overwhelmed reading all the replies!

I burned Jace, he played a Verdict and I eventually lost

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73tglJT ... e=youtu.be

My reasoning for killing Jace was that I had a strong board presence against everything but Jace #2 and Verdict and that there was a reasonable chance he had sideboarded out all or some of his verdicts. He very likely had 1 or multiple counters in hand (given that he hadn't played much up to this point), which made the other options seem inferior. Using Boros Charm's indestructability seemed very bad on account of an active Jace, so I ruled this one out. TBH I did not spend too many thoughts on first drawing a card and then decide what I want to do, which I agree would have been better. In the game itself it wouldn't have mattered because the next
card drawn was a land.

It's very hard to predict how the game would have turned out had I taken the other route of burning him instead of Jace, because we don't know at what point he drew dispel. If he had it in hand, he can verdict and tick up Jace, leaving counter Mana open, at which point I would have lost as I would not have been able to keep Jace from ultimating, similarly if he draws any cheap removal for YP. If he can't verdict AND doesn't draw removal for YP, I could possibly have won.

I'm still not 100% sure which route is objectively better, I tend to think it was worth taking the risk of burning Jace but I might be wrong here.

Last but not least, I would like to say this exercise has been useful for me not only to potentially understand the correct play in this particular situation, but also in general to learn when I need to stop in a game and do a proper analysis - more often than I would like I just play over such critical moments in a game.
Last edited by dauntless268 on Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LaZerBurn » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:05 pm

Fantastic post Val - thank you :)

I'd have untapped, killed Jace (tapped out so no chance to counter) and forced them to have an answer for my YP and his token army. I am now questioning whether this was the best line.

Thanks also to dauntless for posting the screenshot and sparking such an interesting debate :)
Thanks to NerdBoyWonder for the awesome sig :)

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:30 pm

Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster, just returned to the game after a three month break. Still playing RW Burn and I'd like to make the best of it til rotation. Keeping up with this thread has been a big help, and I was hoping you guys could help me out just a bit more.

Here's my list. Seems like going YP over EotGR maindeck is vastly more popular on this board - could someone summarize why that is?

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel

Instant (24)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Searing Blood
1 Shock (I don't like this card in this build)
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Sorcery (1)
1 Wild Guess

Planeswalker (1)
1 Chandra, Pyromaster

Enchantment (3)
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
2 Blind Obedience (love this card)
1 Chained
to the Rocks
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Dictate of the Twin Gods
3 Firedrinker Satyr (for control, prefer this over T/T for earlier pressure)
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Wear / Tear[/deck]


1) Why is YP > Eidolon for mainboard?

2) I just got a playset of Mutavault in (months late, I know) - how do we play them? If you have a Muta and your typical good starting hand, do you drop the Muta or a Temple T1? I mean, I guess you could ride the Muta to a couple swings for damage and save the burn for a few turns later, but I'm not sure. Could really use some help on that one.
Last edited by Josahty on Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby dauntless268 » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:46 pm

Return question: Why don't you like shock in this build? If you play against aggro or anything with Elvish Mystic, playing a Shock t1 is very important in order to not fall behind too much. I also think you REALLY need at least 2 CTTR.

The YP vs. Eidolon question has been debated at length, I would really recommend to scroll through the last 20-30 pages. In its shortest possible summary, YP is not strictly better than Eidolon, but YP is ALWAYS good, while Eidolon is only good in certain board states. This makes the card very meta dependent.

Re: Muta, it depends on your hand and sequencing, whether you are on the play/draw etc. As a general rule, if it's (a) not very likely you will be able to attack t2 with the Muta or (b) it inhibits in anyway the natural deployment of your cards (especially YP and Chandra's Phoenix), it's not worth playing Muta on t1.
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Postby Purp » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:50 pm

Shock is 1000000x better than Searing Blood in any containing YP$. It's arguably one of, if not the best card to play alongside him (especially Game 1). The 2nd shock would 100% be better than 1 of wild guess, and a 3rd shock would be 99.9% better than a 3rd searing blood. A 4th shock would be 80% better than Chandra (which should be moved to the SB replacing Dictate)

Also, I am assuming you have 3 chains main

Tl;DR: the metagame is not one that warrants having more Searing Blood than Shocks, let alone 3 to 1 ratio.

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Postby Purp » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:01 pm

Here are video of Shoota playing burn. Scroll down and click on his name where you see a feature match to watch the vids (click again to view on youtube, its bigger).

He has some INTERESTING SB choices, especially the mirror and control.

http://www.happymtg.com/category/covera ... _standard/

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:22 pm

@dauntless: I suppose it's because of Eidolon. I don't have a great answer for that question other than that I'd rather get more bang out of a card than what Shock gives me. You make a good point about using it early against aggro - I was playing it wrong (saving it for later).

I forgot to add Chains in my writeup, I run 3 MB and 1 SB.

I'll go back over the past pages of discussion. I returned after JOU released so I haven't read the discussion between Eidolon and YP, but I will.

I guess Muta is something I'll have to judge strictly on the situation? Goldfishing a few hands after putting them into my deck gave me the issue I mentioned about T1 Muta or Temple, it felt like deciding between getting Muta ready or establishing good mana.

@Purp: I'll switch to a YP build with the extra Shocks and give that a shot tomorrow night at FNM. Should I throw 3/4 of the Eidolons in the SB though and bring them in for
control/small aggro/Dredge?

I do have 3 CTTR mainboard.

I only wanted to run 3 Searing cause I didn't want to run more Shocks. I see now that I was wrong on that call.

I'll check out some videos on people playing burn.

Thank you for the replies, guys!

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:23 pm

Side note: My inclusion of a Chandra main was inspired by Brainsick saying that he felt like he wanted her in almost every matchup.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:25 pm


1) Some people like Eidolon, some like YP. I prefer Eidolon when I'm going into a known meta and I know the card is well-positioned; in those situations the card gives a lot of free wins. YP$ might not directly burn your opponent down, but it does add damage, and it gives you all the board interaction you'll ever want. The card is also respectable in pretty much every matchup, as opposed to Eidolon (which can be embarrassing against creatures). Because of this, I generally run YP$ when I don't know what I'll be facing or there's a creature heavy meta.

2) Depends on your hand. If mutavault is your only untapped land and you want to be able to play a Phoenix or YP$ + Burn spell on curve, then you probably want to drop the mutavault the turn you need to curve out, especially because you won't be able to swing with the vault next turn. If you have a heavy burn hand and are against a control deck,
playing muta Turn 1 will oftentimes net you at least 1 swing with your mutavault before they have mana up to remove it. You basically have to weigh free damage vs curving out and figure out what's worth doing based on your hand and the matchup.


I'm a little late to the party, but I think I would burn his face instead of Jace. When you Burn Jace, you play the control player's game of magic. You are competing for resources and board control, both of which his deck is well-equipped to beat you in. He has a large number of cards that diminish your board state, if not obliterate it completely. Furthermore, you want to minimize the number of draw steps he has to draw Sphinx's Rev, as you likely lose to the card unless you draw skullcrack. Wasting a card and a turn on his Jace give your opponent more time, which is all the control player really wants.

If you burn your opponent's face, you leave yourself very close to victory as long as you draw decently, and there's a high density
of burn spells in your deck. The only thing that can really get in your way is counter-magic, which you can sidestep if your opponent goes for a Jace or Elspeth, or even if he taps out to Rev and you have lethal in hand. Furthermore, even if your creatures don't die, this line is still likely to minimize the number of draw steps and land drops your opponent makes, unless you brick on lands for infi-turns.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:36 pm

@dauntless: I suppose it's because of Eidolon. I don't have a great answer for that question other than that I'd rather get more bang out of a card than what Shock gives me. You make a good point about using it early against aggro - I was playing it wrong (saving it for later).

I forgot to add Chains in my writeup, I run 3 MB and 1 SB.

I'll go back over the past pages of discussion. I returned after JOU released so I haven't read the discussion between Eidolon and YP, but I will.

I guess Muta is something I'll have to judge strictly on the situation? Goldfishing a few hands after putting them into my deck gave me the issue I mentioned about T1 Muta or Temple, it felt like deciding between getting Muta ready or establishing good mana.

@Purp: I'll
switch to a YP build with the extra Shocks and give that a shot tomorrow night at FNM. Should I throw 3/4 of the Eidolons in the SB though and bring them in for control/small aggro/Dredge?

I do have 3 CTTR mainboard.

I only wanted to run 3 Searing cause I didn't want to run more Shocks. I see now that I was wrong on that call.

I'll check out some videos on people playing burn.

Thank you for the replies, guys!

More on muta - If you're playing Eidolon, and you have a Temple+Untapped Red source, it can be correct to play Temple of Triumph turn 1 so you can play an Eidolon on turn 2 if you draw it. Again, it depends on how valuable free damage from mutavault is.

I also hate shock in Eidolon builds. When you're playing Eidolon you're much more likely to send everything at the face Game 1, and Shock is awful at that. However, as Purp said, the card is insanely good with Young Pyromancer and I would definitely run them over Searing Blood in that situation. I prefer
Searing Blood in the Eidolon lists, as it takes out the same things shock does, but adds a lightning bolt to the face, which you very much want. That being said, 4 Searing Blood doesn't seem right to me, and I'm still trying to figure out what I want to run over Shock in an Eidolon deck.

I despise Wild Guess. I understand why it's in the Eidolon lists; shock isn't great, and Wild Guess can turn lands/shocks/free phoenixes into damage. It's also good against monoblack as resilience to discard. However, the Eidolon lists do not have a hard time with Monoblack or Control, where the card advantage is most useful, they have trouble with Monsters and other creature decks. Against those decks, Game 1 may become a race, and deal 2 damage to yourself (when Eidolon is out), and waste 1/2 or all of your turn to maybe gain card advantage is not what you want.

Lastly, Chandra in the maindeck isn't necessarily correct. I'm flattered you would try out one of my ideas, but I'm really just trying it out
myself; definitely play it if you want, but it is by no means guaranteed to be good.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:00 pm

Here are video of Shoota playing burn. Scroll down and click on his name where you see a feature match to watch the vids (click again to view on youtube, its bigger).

He has some INTERESTING SB choices, especially the mirror and control.

http://www.happymtg.com/category/covera ... _standard/
Love how in the finals he's actively trying to protect his phoenix from exile.

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:15 pm


I kind of understand what you mean about YP. Unfortunately I don't have a good idea of what the overall or local meta is like because I quit in early March and just started back last week. Seems to be a lot of Bx, Junk, and Burn around. I'll make a new list with YP and Shock and give it a go tomorrow night.

I think I'm starting to get it about Muta. I'll try to get in a lot of practice and get a feel for it...I just wish I had more than three months. I should have gotten them back in Feb when I started playing Burn. They would have been worth the money - I got to the finals at my LGS's BTG Game Day and sometimes I think that if I had the Mutas I wouldn't have lost 1-2. :/

I believe you were where I got the Shock/Eidolon thing from - I saw someone mention it and it made me realize that I didn't really like trading 2
life/a card for 2 damage. Searing is really narrow though and can be entirely useless in some matchups G1, so I'll switch things up in my Eidolon list. I couldn't figure out anything that I'd want to play over Searing/Shock either.

Wild Guess has been meh for me. All too often I catch myself trying to force it and I just feel like there's better things I should be doing. You're definitely right about it in the Monsters matchup.

I like Chandra too - she did a lot of work for me pre-JOU but I guess that was pre-JOU. If I'm running two of her in the side, what matchups would I bring her in for? Small aggro decks? But yeah, like I said in the message I sent you, I liked your report and some of the things you had to say about the deck. I figured I'd give a couple of your ideas a shot.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:22 pm

Chandra is for x/1 decks for removal and it's also for control matchups since they have a harder time interacting with her than creature decks and she has a very high power ceiling with her ultimate in this deck.

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:25 pm

Once again, I seriously appreciate the replies, guys. Probably gonna get the cards for this deck on MTGO so I can get more practice with it. I love this deck/archetype.

Alright, new EotGR list:

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel

Instant (26)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (3)
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
2 Blind Obedience
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Wear / Tear[/deck]

Possible YP list ("possible" cause I'm not sure what to do with the SB - what should I take out for the EotGRs?)

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Instant (26)
4 Boros Charm
Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (3)
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
2 Blind Obedience
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Wear / Tear


*needs 3-4 Eidolon of the Great Revel - could take out the Satyr Firedancers for them

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Postby Josahty » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:27 pm

Chandra is for x/1 decks for removal and it's also for control matchups since they have a harder time interacting with her than creature decks and she has a very high power ceiling with her ultimate in this deck.

Ahhh, I see. I definitely had a big problem with a white weenie deck last Friday. Chandra would've been nice.

EDIT: Just realized my list is looking a lot like what BiddingMaster posted last page. I'll research his SB plans, that'll help me out a lot.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:31 pm

She's not a requirement but several like her. She tends to be 1-3 in sideboards because she is weak game 1 against creatures with all the damage player only spells.

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Postby Elricity » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:32 pm

I tried to see what Shoota was sideboarding but I couldn't make it out. Other than the boros reckoner against esper control. That's...strange.
Last edited by Elricity on Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:32 pm

When playing YP$ lists, matches where I've brought her in:
- Bx Devotion
- UWx control
- GRx Monsters
- Ux Devotion
- Small Aggro

Matches up I don't bring her in for:
- Dredge
- Junk Constellation

In all the matchups I board Chandra in for, she pretty much does the same thing: Generate card advantage every turn that lets me end the game. Whether that advantage be VCA in upgrading my burn spells to take out beefier creatures, or actually drawing cards with her 0, Chandra is very effective at snowballing a lead. I don't bring her in when I am all-in on closing the game quickly.

Whenever you think you want to board Chandra in, ask yourself:
"Do I want to spend a turn playing this card?"
"Will this card survive for very long?"

Because of the latter question, I greatly prefer Chandra in YP$ lists, and she might be moved back to the board (Hero's Downfall G1 against Bx decks).

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Postby BrainsickHater » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:40 pm

Once again, I seriously appreciate the replies, guys. Probably gonna get the cards for this deck on MTGO so I can get more practice with it. I love this deck/archetype.

Alright, new EotGR list:

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel

Instant (26)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (3)
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
2 Blind Obedience
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Wear / Tear[/deck]

Possible YP list ("possible" cause I'm not sure what to do
with the SB - what should I take out for the EotGRs?)

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Instant (26)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (3)
3 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
2 Blind Obedience
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Satyr Firedancer
2 Wear / Tear


*needs 3-4 Eidolon of the Great Revel - could take out the Satyr Firedancers for them
If you're playing YP$, Satyr Firedancer is really a waste of slots. They both do roughly the same thing.

I would cut the Firedrinker Satyrs and the Satyr Firedancers for 4 Eidolon and 2 MM. I like Eidolon a bit more than Firedrinker because I can bring Eidolon in against both UWx and Bx. Eidolon is admittedly much worse against Bx than against
control, but he can still be quite good, while Firedrinker Satyr tends to just get <insert 2 mana removal spell here>'d.
EDIT 2: Eidolon is obviously a bit better in the case where your opponent just removes it instantly.

EDIT: Here's my Eidolon list, although I kind of hate it and I don't think some of the card choices are correct.

4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
4 Chandra's Phoenix
2 Spark Trooper

Other Spells
4 Chained to the Rocks

4 Boros Charm
3 Searing Blood
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

1 Boros Guildgate
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
1 Mana Confluence

2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Keening Apparition
1 Wear // Tear
1 Blind Obedience
2 Harness by Force
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Toil // Trouble

As you can see, the spells I opted to run over Shock are cards that are good against creatures (+1 Searing Blood, +2 Spark Trooper, +1 Chained to the Rocks).
I believe that is where the Eidolon lists are weakest. Post-board you have access to Toil // Trouble which should make any slow control deck piss their pants.

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Postby NotARobot » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:57 pm

So in the shoota list, when did he bring in flame speaker? Against control and weenie agro decks?

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Postby Josahty » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:10 am

Doesn't Chandra get killed quickly against Bx? I'm also surprised that you'd bring her in for GRx, I figured she'd get killed quickly there. (not at all implying you're wrong, I must have the wrong line of thinking)

I like your ideas for the Shock replacements in the Eidolon list. I may give that a shot as well.

Is Toil/Trouble that much better than Firedrinker against control? I thought FDS would put earlier pressure on them, but I can see the value in T/T later on.

Also, if I'm siding IN Eidolons, what am I taking out (generally, I know each matchup could be different). Is YP typically it?

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Postby Josahty » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:15 am

Though if you're bringing in Mortars to back her up I can see the +1 being nice to take out the x/5s.

EDIT: I ONLY had FDS in for Control. That's it.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:22 am

Bx typically boards out some number of downfalls so it can surprise them and their creature base is fairly poor at pressuring her.

I personally think Chandra is poor in GRx at getting the +1 to add the final bit of damage before she dies but that's me.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:42 am

FDS is probably the best SB card against control decks, but you can't really bring it in against anything else, so I try to avoid running it when I can play T/T or EotGR. Both of them I don't mind bringing in against Bx decks.

Chandra is definitely poor at adding the extra damage before she dies, but it still happens sometimes. However, I primarily bring Chandra in against GRx because I've had a lot of games where you actually just kill everything they play to avoid dying and you both end up in topdeck mode. I can draw Chandra in these situations and can quickly pull ahead. I'm still working on the best SB plan against monsters tho, as the deck isn't prevalent in my store. Chandra's been good for me in the matchup, but if people think otherwise I would totally understand and I wouldn't blame them for not boarding it in.

I will probably always board Chandra in against Bx as she has single-handedly won me
games against that archetype multiple times. As Elricity said, they will almost always board out some number (if not all) the downfalls and the creature base is pretty crappy. Plus I board in removal to deal with the most problematic creatures.

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